What would you do during a power outage to have fun? At one time or another, you’ll likely be caught in a blackout, so it’s important to be prepared – especially if you have kids at home. Here are some entertaining ideas.
Play non-electronic games
We may think we’re dependent on technology for entertainment, adults and kids alike can still have fun without a smart phone or tablet. Old-school board games like Monopoly and Scrabble can teach children about managing money and vocabulary. And a deck of cards can provide hours of fun with games like Poker and Go Fish.
Read a book from a best-seller list
With Facebook and Netflix not accessible, now might be a good time to catch up on reading. You can even get your entire family involved by having each person take turns reading from a book out loud.
Dance and sing along to the Top 40 Hits
Way back before television, cell phones and tablets, radio was a home’s center of entertainment. Families would gather around the radio in their living room to listen to music or the news. You and your family can relive the good old days by listening to the latest music from your battery-powered radio. If you’re bold enough, sing along or get up and dance to the music.
Get up and go outside
If there are no natural disasters and it’s safe to leave the house, get outdoors. Being inside for hours or days at a time can leave you feeling restless and irritable, so get some fresh air. Jog the park or just take a stroll.
A power outage doesn’t have to be boring. Our blackout tips can bring the family together – for a get together.
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