Family & Life – College

A man enjoying his commute in a car.

Pros and Cons of Commuting to College

When your child starts college and you have an empty nest, you might have a to-do list, including travel abroad and fixing up the house. But before you book a...

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Credit Card and Coins on Counter

Should You Give Your College Student an Allowance?

College is a series of firsts for students. It’s the first time they’ll live on their own, be responsible for every meal, handle their laundry and even complete homework without...

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Young Woman on Couch

Top 5 Tips to Maximize Space In Your Dorm Room

Many college freshmen encounter a culture shock when they first move into a dorm. After having your own bedroom, you must now adjust to living in a closet-size space with...

Read more about Top 5 Tips to Maximize Space In Your Dorm Room
Two people shaking their hands.

Help Your Teen Volunteer

Extracurricular activities are no longer limited to just athletics, student government and the school newspaper. Increasingly, community service and volunteer work are becoming popular high school extracurricular activities. In fact,...

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Woman sitting in her car, smiling and looking behind her.

5 Important Types of Life Skills All Adults Need

What are life skills? People have different views about which life skills are most essential for success. However, what they do agree on is that we all need these skills...

Read more about 5 Important Types of Life Skills All Adults Need
A young man using a phone.

College Graduates by the Numbers

With graduation season here, we wanted to give you a glimpse of the post-grad landscape. Using data from and Pew Research, we’ve rounded up some fascinating insights about life...

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