Thanks to some clever cleaning hacks, your car now sparkles, but so do the dents and scratches you’ve collected over the years. Luckily, these car hacks can save you a trip to the body shop. Follow our tips to smooth out dents and conceal scratches:
Get rid of dents with a hair dryer
What you need: Hair dryer, can of compressed air
With the dryer, heat the dent for 3-4 minutes. Then, hold the can of compressed air upside down and spray the dented area. The dent should pop back into place.
Touch up scratches with toothpaste
What you need: Damp sponge, toothpaste, soft cloth
Put a dab of toothpaste on the sponge and rub onto the scratch in a circular motion. Don’t rub too hard; it could damage the paint. Wipe the area clean with the cloth.
Prevent rusting with clear polish
What you need: Clear nail polish
Apply clear nail polish to a small scratch or ding on your car. The polish will protect the damaged area and keep it from becoming larger and from rusting.
Cover chips with nail polish
What you need: Nail polish the color of your car’s paint, toothpick
Beauty products can also come in handy to cover a small chip. Find a nail polish that closely matches your vehicle’s paint color and simply fill in the gap. Use a toothpick instead of the included brush, as using the brush could result in applying a tad too much polish – making the area more noticeable.
Park in the sunlight to repair hail dents
What you need: Sunlight
If a hailstorm resulted in dents to your car’s surface, park your vehicle in an area that receives a lot of sunlight. The sun will cause the damaged spot to heat up and expand – forcing the dents to pop back into place.
Your ride is spic and span and scratch free. Now, how about some tricks to help make your life easier as a driver? Take a look at part 3 of our car hacks series: driving and parking hacks.