If you’re looking into purchasing an electric car, you might be wondering how long the battery lasts, how to replace the battery, and how they compare to a regular car battery. We’ll discuss all that and more so you can make a confident and informed decision.
How long do batteries last in electric cars?
The lifespan of electric vehicle (EV) batteries depends on the manufacturer and battery. EV batteries generally have a warranty of 8 years or 100,000 miles. Does that mean an EV will stop driving after 8 years or 100,000 miles? Generally, no. But the charge that the battery can hold will have depleted. The longer the battery is in use, the less charge it will be able to hold. Improved technology can increase both the battery’s life and increase the mileage you can drive on one charge. [1]
How do electric car batteries work?
While an internal combustion engine gets energy from burning fuel, an electric engine gets its power from a pack of batteries. Essentially, the batteries are like oversized versions of the lithium-ion battery in your phone. The batteries can be plugged in to recharge them whenever they deplete. [2]
Types of electric car batteries
There are a few types of batteries that an EV can use.
Lithium ion batteries
Often known as the most common type of batteries in EVs, lithium ion batteries have a high energy efficiency, high power-to-weight ratio, and good high-temperature performance. They also are better than other batteries at holding a full charge over time. Many lithium ion batteries are recyclable, as well. [3]
Nickel-metal hydride batteries
More commonly used in hybrid cars, nickel-metal hydride batteries rely on fuel to recharge the battery. They have a longer life span than other batteries, but they are costly and generate substantial heat. [3]
Lead acid batteries
Currently used to supplement other batteries in EVs, lead acid batteries are generally inexpensive, safe, and reliable. The only downside to these batteries is their short life span and poor cold-temperature performance. [3]
Similar to lead acid batteries, ultracapacitors are used as secondary storage devices to help level the load of lithium ion batteries. They can give your vehicle an extra boost during acceleration. [3]
How to extend EV battery life
- Drive slowly: Accelerating requires more electricity than maintaining your speed, so avoid accelerating or decelerating unnecessarily.
- Avoid rapid charging: Try not to charge your electric vehicle using your DC connector. This is the fastest way to charge it, but it strains your batteries and shortens the life span.
- Avoid extreme weather: Extreme heat and cold can drain your batteries.
- Don’t let your battery fully die: Fully draining your battery can damage its life span and can potentially leave you stranded on the side of the road.
- Don’t overcharge: Avoid charging your battery to 100%, as this can overwork it. Over time, it can shorten the life span of your battery.
- Give your batteries a break before charging: Take a minute after you’re finished driving and let the batteries cool down before recharging. [4]
When do electric car batteries need to be replaced?
It’s estimated that most batteries in EVs should last up to 20 years. In a study of 15,000 electric vehicles, only 1.5% of them had their batteries replaced (this does not include vehicle recalls). If your batteries do need replacing, many warranties cover them for 8 years or 100,000 miles. [5]
How much does an EV battery cost?
The cost of replacing an electric car battery can vary, depending on the make and model of your EV. While it may seem daunting, remember that the longevity of these batteries often means you won’t need to consider replacement until well into the vehicle’s life. The cost of replacing an EV battery can range anywhere from a few thousand dollars to about $20,000. Factors such as the vehicle type, model, battery pack size, and manufacturer can greatly influence these costs. [6]
For example, the batteries in a hybrid are generally smaller and less expensive than the heavier battery packs found in electric full-size trucks and other higher-end EVs. [6a]
Electric car battery disposal and recycling
When electric car batteries are recycled, the packs are shipped to a facility specializing in battery disassembly. The metal scraps from the batteries go into the metals recycling stream. Some of the plastics might not be recyclable, but the batteries don’t contain much plastic inside them. [7]
The life span of EV batteries is a testament to the advances in technology, and it could be a driving factor in deciding whether to buy an electric vehicle. Make sure you protect yourself and your vehicle before you hit the road with the proper auto insurance for your needs.
[1] “ Electric Car Battery Life: Everything You Need to Know,” caranddriver.com/research/a31875141/electric-car-battery-life/ (Accessed Feb. 2023).
[2] “All about electric car batteries,” edfenergy.com/electric-cars/batteries (Accessed Dec. 2023).
[3] “How do batteries for electric cars work?” energysage.com/electric-vehicles/how-do-electric-car-batteries-work (Accessed Nov. 2023).
[4] “6 Ways To Reduce EV Battery Ageing,” joinbonnet.com/post/how-to-prolong-ev-battery-life (Accessed Jan. 2023).
[5] “How Much Do Electric Car Batteries Cost to Replace?” cars.com/articles/how-much-do-electric-car-batteries-cost-to-replace-465308 (Accessed Jan. 2023).
[6] “How Much Do EV Batteries Cost?” jdpower.com/cars/shopping-guides/how-much-do-ev-batteries-cost (Accessed Jan. 2023).
[6a] “The Cost to Replace an EV Battery,” greencars.com/greencars-101/cost-to-replace-an-ev-battery (Accessed Feb. 2023).
[7] “Everything You Need to Know about EV Battery Disposal,” caranddriver.com/features/a44022888/electric-car-battery-recycling (Accessed Jan. 2023).
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