Your Guide to Driving in a Roundabout
Driving in a roundabout can be confusing and sometimes dangerous if you aren't aware of the proper protocols. Read our guide.
Read more about Your Guide to Driving in a RoundaboutDriving in a roundabout can be confusing and sometimes dangerous if you aren't aware of the proper protocols. Read our guide.
Read more about Your Guide to Driving in a RoundaboutNearly half a million people are injured in distracted driving-related accidents each year. Learn about how to steer clear of the dangers of distracted driving. What is distracted driving? Distracted driving is a true hazard of the road. It’s the cause of countless accidents and is completely preventable. Activities ranging from eating to texting divert...
Read more about Distracted Driving: Texting and Driving Statistics and FactsNo one ever takes their boat out thinking they’ll get into an accident. Even still, there were 4,168 boating accidents recorded in 2019. Alcohol, hazardous water, lack of operator experience, and general inattentiveness were statistically the top four causes; but when you consider that 70 percent of these accidents happened to boaters who had received...
Read more about Why You Should Consider Taking a Boater Safety CourseWhen it’s time to buy a new car, we all have our own ideas about what makes it the right fit. Some of us want more legroom, others want more cargo space. Then there are those who just want a killer sound system and great rims. While many of the features offered by manufacturers may...
Read more about Safety Features to Consider When Buying a Car [Infographic]When you and your teen are shopping for a new car, safety should be top priority. The increase in smart technologies in vehicles means there are more ways today to help keep young drivers safe. The 10 small and midsize cars listed below are top safety picks by the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety, which...
Read more about 10 of the Safest Cars for Teenagers to DriveAt one point or another, you’ve probably had to drive through some kind of bad weather. While driving in fog isn’t the same as driving in a thunderstorm or blizzard, it can still create problems for your commute if you’re not careful. Foggy conditions in particular can greatly reduce your visibility, potentially causing dangerous driving...
Read more about How to Safely Drive in FogUsage-based insurance programs base your insurance rate on your driving and can provide a discount on your car insurance if you are a safe driver or drive fewer miles per year. Measuring driving habits with telematics Usage-based insurance programs use telematics, which is technology that measures and tracks driving habits.[1] An insurance company can use telematics...
Read more about Usage-Based Insurance Discounts for Safe and Low-Mileage DriversInsurance customers are often eager to save money, and insurance companies have continued finding ways to help them lower their premium costs. One way that companies reward drivers who don’t log a lot of time behind the wheel is to give them low-mileage discounts for driving less. The costs of premiums vary from state to...
Read more about Are There Car Insurance Discounts for Safe and Low-Mileage Drivers?Driving on the highway for the first time can be nerve racking, which is why it’s common for new drivers to only navigate local roads until they gain enough real-world experience to venture onto the interstate. Once a new driver is ready to take on a highway, being fully prepared can help a beginner make...
Read more about 7 Tips for Driving on the Highway for the First TimeThere’s no denying personal watercraft (Jet Skis) are an exhilarating ride and a fun way to spend an afternoon on a local lake or reservoir. Think of it as a snowmobile for the water. With horsepower similar to large outboard boat engines and acceleration equivalent to motorcycles, Jet Skis are much more than mere toys....
Read more about Jet Ski Safety Tips: How to Safely Ride a Jet SkiWhen your teenager gets their car and license, you might feel both proud and nervous at the same time. This ritual of growing up means a newfound freedom for teens, and perhaps a few more gray hairs for mom and dad. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that teen drivers ages 16 to...
Read more about Teen Driver Technologies That Help Young Drivers Stay SafeFor many people, Memorial Day is a time to celebrate freedom, in more ways than one. We salute the U.S. veterans who sacrificed to preserve and protect us. And many of us celebrate freedom of the road on this holiday. Memorial Day traffic is one of the heaviest, which translates into more accidents. According to...
Read more about 5 Tips for a Safe Memorial Day HolidayTo help create a safe environment for your infant and/or young child, you need to pay attention to your vehicle and its surroundings. Here’s how to keep kids safe in and around cars: Car-seat safety Evaluate whether the car seat or booster seat is a proper fit for your car (not all are). The car...
Read more about Keeping Kids Safe in and Around CarsWhen you’re buying a car, it’s important to do your research. Fortunately, it’s easier than ever thanks to online resources like car reviews and consumer forums. However, all that information does little good if you’re not sure what you’re looking for. Shopping for a car, whether it’s new or used, means digging a little bit...
Read more about Car Safety Checklist: 10 Items to Check Before You BuyAccording to a number of studies, nearly two-thirds of motorcycle accidents are caused by drivers of other vehicles violating the motorcycle’s right-of-way. In fact, the failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcycles is the predominant cause of motorcycle accidents. It’s difficult to spot motorcyclists As vigilant as drivers try to be, there’s an actual...
Read more about See and Be Seen: Motorcycle Safety Tips